★ Billy의 국내여행 Domestic Tour

KAIST Conference Group Tour, August 9, 2014, Seoul

Billy Soh 雲 響 2014. 8. 12. 00:30













Around fifty young scientists from many different countries took part in KAIST organized Summer Conference in Dae Jeon from Aug.4 to 8 2014. 

After finished main session they came up to Seoul to participate city 

tour. I cooperated with organizer staffs to give chance of understanding

about Korea for all the participants. 


Mostly they are first visitors to Korea I have therefore guided to Kwang

Hwa Moon Square, Kyung Bok Palace, Blue House, Sam Cheong Dong, Buk

Chon, In Sa Dong, Nam San, Myung Dong and Nanta etc as well as  another

foreigners group.  I wish one day tour could be helpful for their

understanding about Korea.                            <Woon Hyang>