복있는 사람들 (시편1편)
작곡 김성균 합창 에바다 노래선교단
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinnes or sit in the seat of mockers. The Psalm author wrote as above and I have heard too many times this Word of God so far. But I still walk in the wicked and sinner's way which is too shame. When will I come back to the way of good in the God. In order to bring that day as soon as posible, I pray for mayself in this night.
On the other hand, I was the member of Ephphatha Mission Choir in my young days. Of course totally different members must be active currently but their praise bring me back quickly in a second to my young days remembrance and grace. How missing those days are ! <Woon Hyang>