★ Billy의 좋아하는 동요

크레파스의 합창 - 김종영 작사 이성복 작곡

Billy Soh 雲 響 2011. 8. 23. 22:27

출처  http://blog.daum.net/pji0901/15951306


    크레파스의  합창

                 김종영 작사   이성복 작곡                                                                                                                                                                                                            

                           반주 송은주


                                                              출처  http://www.prs.or.kr/_ver01




Life is always or at least usually troubled world. The life of hard world with war, distress, disease, fight,  jealousy, parting and responsibilities etc. will be endless untill to finish of travel in this world.   Under the such suffering what we can feel happiness a bit is only the time that we have the mind of child or/and we can go back to the remembrance of childhood.  In that respect, above children's song brings me to the happiness and rainbow under the brilliant sunshine when I appreciate it.      

<Woon Hyang>





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