★ Billy가 좋아하는 가요

묻어버린 아픔 - 김동환

Billy Soh 雲 響 2012. 2. 9. 01:23

출처  http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn


묻어버린 아픔


흔한게 사랑이라지만
나는 그런 사랑 원하지 않아

바라만봐도 괜히 그냥 좋은
그런 사랑이 나는 좋아

변한건 세상이라지만
우리 사랑 이대로 간직하면

먼훗날 함께 마주앉아 둘이
얘기할 수 있으면 좋아

어둠이 내려와 거리를 떠돌면
부는 바람에 내모든걸 맡길텐데

한순간 그렇게 쉽사리 살아도
지금 이순간 나는 행복해

어둠이 내려와 거리를 떠돌면
부는 바람에 내모든걸 맡길텐데

한순간 그렇게 쉽사리 살아도
지금 이순간 나는 행복해


트렘펫 - 묻어버린 아픔

출처  http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn




The participation to the Annual Meeting of KOTGA 2012 was pretty impressive. Since I started out my second life in totally new area, I had to faced on confused identity of myself. I had to taste on my lost identity and history of my former social life. I couldn't find out any image of myself which was concreted through my first life during thirty five years.


It was really too big suffer for me so that I couldn't easily adjust on my too extremely changed environment and suddenly falled down my social position. There must not be bigger sorrow than those situation.  Those feeling had continued so far but I could recover even a bit by the Meeting this afternoon. I could find and feel reference group that I belong for. It was good and valuable time for me today in that meaning.           


Life seems even sadly but, I can't stop the march that I should forward newly. Therefore, Life is only going straight ahead, isn't it?  Accidently I remembered above song in the way back home at late night.                 <Woon Hyang>