★ Billy의 국내여행 Domestic Tour

지켜야 할 유산 '순천만'

Billy Soh 雲 響 2011. 5. 9. 10:26


Suncheon Bay is the five largest coastal wetlands of the world. It is a huge bay which is maden by 2.3 square kilometers(700,000 Pyung) of horizontal reed field and 28 square kilometers(8,000,000 Pyung) of tideland.


冬になるとナベツル(흑두루미)、マナジル(재두루미)、黄色い口ばしのクロツラヘラサギ(노랑부리 저어새)、大きい白鳥(はくちょう、큰고니)など、国際的にも保護されている稀で珍しい渡り鳥らがこの順川灣に訪ねて来る。 順川灣で見つけられる渡り鳥の種類は総230余種で我が国全体鳥類の半分ぐらいになるのだ。


In order to keep and protect  this Suncheon Bay, it has designated as the 'Wetlands Protection Area' in 2003, registrated to 'Lamsar Agreement' in 2006 and designated as the 'National Cultural Assets' in 2008.












순천만을 주제로한 사진 작가들의 전시작품(순천 문학관내)